Show me how to turn off Samsung refrigerator without unplugging

We show you how to turn off Samsung refrigerator without unplugging in this short guide

Are you a proud owner of a Samsung refrigerator and you’re wondering how to turn it off without unplugging it?

Well, it’s important for you to properly turn off the appliance – whether you are looking to save power, defrost your fridge, or for whatever other reason that might require you to turn off the refrigerator.

In this article, we shall look at different ways you can turn off your Samsung refrigerator (without unplugging it) depending on your needs…

Let’s jump in..

How to turn off Samsung refrigerator without unplugging

Keep in mind that some of these reasons may require you to completely cut off the power supply to the refrigerator – a good example is when you are trying to reset it or during a repair.

But there are other reasons that do not necessarily need you to fully cut off the power supply-These may include defrosting the fridge or when your goal is saving energy once the food has cooled.

Depending on what your intention is, below are the different ways to turn off your Samsung refrigerator without unplugging it (and when they work best)…

Turn off the cooling feature

Many Samsung refrigerators normally have a Cooling Off (Demo Mode) feature that disables the cooling system, the freezer, and the ice maker in your unit.

This helps your fridge save energy when it is not in use.

Pro tip: Activating and leaving this mode on for a long time might result in your food spoiling. So be sure not to leave it on for an extended period if you have some food in there.

Having said that, here’s how you can activate the Cooling Off mode in different models of Samsung refrigerators.

In most models, touch and hold the Freezer (Power Freeze) and Alarm (Filter Reset) buttons together till you hear a chime.

For some models, the button combination is Freezer (Power Freeze), Alarm (Filter Reset), and Fridge (Power Cool) buttons.

Again, press and hold them simultaneously till you hear a chime.

Your refrigerator’s display will also change to O FF or OF OF indicating that you have successfully activated the Demo Mode.

Now, these button combinations will work on most models.

However, in a few select models, the procedure is a little bit different as you can see below:

Refrigerator model Steps to follow
Family Hub
  • Navigate to Apps
  • Open the Fridge Manager app
  • Tap Fridge Settings and then tap Cooling Off
  • Tap Activate and then Proceed
Convertible refrigerators Press and hold the Temp, Power Freeze, and Lock buttons in unison till you hear a chime.
Bespoke refrigerators
  • Touch and hold the < and > buttons simultaneously for 6 seconds.
  • Press the O button to activate/deactivate Cooling Off mode.
4-door Kimchi refrigerator
  • Press and hold Lock for 3 seconds to activate the main panel.
  • Press and hold Ferment, Preserve, and Lock buttons together for 5 seconds to activate/deactivate Demo Mode.


Don’t forget that this method works great if you want to defrost your unit without having to necessarily turn it off.

Besides, it can be suitable when you want to conserve power after has fridge has cooled your foodstuff (or the refrigerator is empty).

How to turn off Samsung refrigerator without unplugging for Specific models

How to turn off Samsung French door refrigerator without unplugging

As you might know, there are a couple of distinct models under the popular Samsung French door family of fridges ranging from Bespoke to Family Hubs and so on.

Now, one way of turning off your Samsung french door fridge without unplugging it is by turning off the cooling function

That said, to turn off the cooling function in your Samsung French door refrigerator, first check its model.

If it is a Bespoke model, simply follow the instructions in the previous table(we saw the instructions above).

But for other models, simply press and hold the Power Freeze, Alarm filter, and Power Cool buttons together till the unit chimes indicating that you have successfully activated Demo Mode.

Pro tip: This button combination might not work in all French door models. So be sure to refer to your user manual for the exact button combination that activates Cooling Off mode (If you cannot locate your user manual, you can get a softcopy from Samsung using your appliance’s model number).


Adjust the temperature control to the off position

By turning the temperature control off, you are essentially turning off your refrigerator’s cooling function(this is a good method to turn off your Samsung refrigerator when you want to save energy).

That is because the compressor will no longer be running.

Note that this option is not available in all Samsung refrigerators.

Pro tip: If your model does not have the off position, you can adjust the temperature knob to the highest temperature setting. This will also save energy since the refrigerator does not have to work as hard to cool.


Turn off the circuit breaker

Turning off the circuit breaker to the refrigerator line will cut all power supply to the appliance.

And this method is great for three different situations (works the same as unplugging from the power outlet):

  • When you want to reset the unit.
  • When repairing it.
  • If you are going away for a long time (perhaps a vacation) – just remember to take out all the foodstuff beforehand.


How to turn off Samsung refrigerator without unplugging – final thoughts

If you are looking to turn off your fridge to save energy, there are a few points you should bear in mind:

  • Do not turn it off for extended periods as this can lead to food spoilage.
  • Do not open the refrigerator doors as this will only increase the internal temps faster.
  • Don’t turn it off for long – turning it off for long means it will have to run longer to cool and this will only consume more power.

So if you are planning to turn off the cooling function for an extended period, first remove all the perishable foodstuff.


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